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Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Age Synthesis

In 1907 St. Pius X in his encyclical Pascendi described modernism as “the synthesis of all heresies.” Liberalism, although it came first chronologically, is the manifestation of modernism in the political sphere. Evolutionism (the modernist’s principle doctrine”) along with the 19th century’s idea of progress, is modernism’s manifestation in all the academic disciplines from biology to history, philosophy and theology. Therefore, the “synthesis of all heresies” includes liberalism and evolutionism. They are like two heads on a beast out of the Apocalypse.
Similarly, the current emergence of the New Age with all of its occult accessories, can he viewed as the fully ripened fruit of these earlier fleurs du mal. For, New Age thinking infects all of reality with its poison. It is a complete and thoroughly perverse world view.
How many times have we not all had the frustrating experience of being told, “Well, that’s your opinion” or “That’s just your interpretation” when what we have put forth is the plain, bold-faced TRUTH! Ah, but this is America where everyone has a “right” to their own opinion and Truth is really no different from Error because all things are equal, meaning equally subjective because no one has the “right” to claim any objective Truth since it always comes back, perversely, to “your opinion”.
We in America have, indeed, a head start in the New Age thinking, because it is a fact that the person who counters a statement of doctrinal, moral, or natural-law Truth (e.g., “abortion is murder!”, “homosexuality is perverse because unnatural”, or “The Book of Genesis precludes belief in Evolution!”) with this kind of reductionist ploy  – “That’s just your opinion” – is clearly a victim of New Age ideology.
All that the term New Age stands for can be summed up in two comprehensive concepts:
1)  subjectivism: everything is in the mind, including God; a position also described as immanentism; and
2)  evolutionism: everything is in process, nothing ever stays the same, not even God.
It is obvious that these two concepts obliterate from all discourse the self-evident fact that some things are and remain true no matter what anyone may think of them. Theological, metaphysical and moral truths all contain that same hard-core of reality so often attributed to the law of gravity: defy it at your peril; “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).
After the mind embraces these two comprehensive concepts of subjectivism or immanentism and evolutionism, everything else is but acting out with the accompanying accessories such as rainbow symbols, pagan rituals, key words and phrases like “compassion” and “global consciousness”.
Nor is it difficult to see that New Age thinking attacks every article of our Faith and even fundamental truths of natural reason. The attack is massive, everything is hit at once, but it is not frontal. The approach is as subtle and as devious as Satan’s appeal to Eve. The sin he persuaded her to commit was modeled on his own, and so is the sin of New Age ideology.
Lucifer’s non serviam is based on the choice of his own mind and will over and above that of God’s. Despite the angelic clarity and integrity of his intelligence which showed him indubitably the wrongness of his choice, he nevertheless loved his own personal self-hood more than the Being of his Creator. Not yet having earned the Beatific Vision, the reward of love, his choice was not based on a confirmation of love but rather on an examination or test of love. And Lucifer, fully cognizant of this fact because of his angelic intellect, chose the wrong person to serve and willfully failed the test of love.
He approached Eve, and he approaches us today with this same seductive appeal to self-love rather than the love of God. It takes a humility born of love to submit our own strong ideas and desires to the mind and heart of another. And that is precisely the nature of the test.
Traditionally, the subjectivist philosophy stemming from Plato has been termed idealism (from idea, not ideal), but a more radical form of it is called solipsism. Fr. Kenneth Baker in his Philosophical Dictionary (1972) defines solipsism as that form of idealism which recognizes nothing but the act of thinking (“consciousness” in New Age terminology) and one’s own subjective person (New Age’s “self”) as authentic. Everything else is either unknowable or suspect.
The dethronement of truth about which Dietrich von Hildebrand complained twenty years ago has issued in a tragic loss of the need for an objective standard and source of what is real and unerring. When people are not only content but enthusiastic about finding in their own ideas and desires the source and stuff of reality, then the world itself has become an insane asylum. And yet, this is just what New Agers make of society and the world. Randy England tells us how common in the business world is this reality manipulation.
“Through the occult technique of visualization the practitioner believes that he does in fact create his own universe, continuously. Imagine having such power! Imagine using it! That is exactly what the New Agers would have us do.” (The Unicorn in the Sanctuary. Trinity Communications, 1990, p. 27.)
St. Thomas defines truth as the adequation or conformity of the mind with reality. It is a relation of subject with object. New Agers eliminate the object or de-throne it only to re-enthrone it in their own ideas and desires which are represented by images. Randy England describes the process of reality manipulation:
“Visualize the new car you want. Whatever it is, visualize it as if it was already yours, believe it, and do it daily. You will bring it about through the power of your mind.” (Idem., p. 29.)
This is more than “the power of positive thinking”.   This is wanting to be like God.
Just by way of footnote, Donald De Marco noted this same predominance of will and personal desires over reason among infertile couples in his excellent book, Biotechnology and the Assault on Parenthood (Ignatius, 1991). In an article in Fidelity magazine (July-August 1991, p. 38) entitled “Frankenstein’s Dilemma” he observes the same anti-rational emphasis in the women’s groups advocating new reproductive technologies. Theirs is an…uncompromising commitment to freedom of choice, the desire to possess what one wants, apart from any governmental [and we must add, objective-moral] interference,...
Such women are “examples of an ideological mind-set.” They are also examples of souls out of touch with the reality of God, of His Will, of His Love, – souls in the grip of Satanic egotism. Feminism, in all its aspects, is very much a part of the New Age synthesis.
The second key idea is evolutionism which translates into that hypnotic word change. Randy England says belief in evolution “is an absolute article of faith and central to New Age-Modernist thought.” (Idem., p. 34) The acceptance of theistic evolution by most Catholics today and for decades past has been and continues to be the best preparation and conditioning for their embrace of the entire New Age synthesis.
Donna Steichen tells of an ex-nun who admits that
… Her faith began to decay … when she was introduced to the re-interpretation of Scripture as ‘myth’ containing a “kernel of truth.” The doubts born then “had a domino effect”, … (Unholy Rage: The Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism. Ignatius, 1991, pp. 48-49)
It was the theory of biological evolution that caused first the German “higher critics” and then the rest of the theologians of the Church to begin their re-interpretation of Scripture, specifically, the first three chapters of Genesis. Pope St. Pius X knew exactly whereof he spoke when he singled out evolution as “the principal doctrine of the modernists.” And this pernicious doctrine of evolution remains, as Mr. England points out, an “absolute article of faith and central to New Age Modernist thought.” (Idem.)
There is further an intrinsic connection between the first idea of subjectivism or immanence (the latter term is preferred by New Agers) and this second one of evolution. The connection is God and is made by way of process theology. Donna Steichen quotes a feminist “theologian” building on the philosophy of A. N. Whitehead:
Process theology asks us to give up absolutes. Everything is relative, even the deity... We must let go of God, believing that God lets go of everything all the time that it may be new all the time. (p. 202)
Surely, only a feminist could write such nonsense! But this idea of “letting go” is very popular these days especially amongst religious. It’s a perversion of the traditional spiritual doctrine of detachment, made into an important part of the rhetoric of change. Once you make God not only a part but the very “structure that makes the world possible” and which He needs in order to fulfill Himself and “be real” (Steichen, p. l53), then it is easy for such immanence to bring on self-divinization. But for this goal of empowerment, so coveted by feminists, it is necessary to reduce God to an evolutionary process. And it is a short step from the God of the evolutionary process (theistic evolutionism) to God as evolutionary process.
So the two ideas of immanence and evolution or an evolutionary immanence are necessary for each other. They constitute the Satanic perversion of the true relation between God the Creator and His creatures.
We know that in reality God absolutely transcends every one of His creatures, being infinitely superior and all-sufficient in Himself while at the same time, being immanent to every one of His creatures, because not an atom or molecule or a particle of one could function without the active power of God’s agency both empowering and sustaining it.
He brought all things into existence from nothing, freely, because of His goodness, and His active agency is necessary every instant of time to keep all things in existence and enable them to work according to their created natures.
We do not confuse God’s creation with His concurrence and His providence. Holy Scripture teaches that God’s work of creation was finished when He rested on the seventh day of the first week of the world. During those first six days, God both created from nothing and formed and fashioned the materials He had already created. In the case of Adam’s body, He formed the first man from the “slime of the earth” and in the case of Eve, He fashioned her body from that of Adam. Empirical Science confirms the Scriptural account when it tells us that our bodies are about 96% water, And, according to Antoine Béchamp, 19th century Catholic scientist, man is a “walking mineral”. This is an accurate description of  “slime”, or dust mixed with water.
But God commanded animals and man to “Increase and multiply” by the power of generation created in and with them. Only the human soul must be created directly by God because of its rational-spiritual nature. The life principle of animals is an inherent part of their material-formal casuality and is transmitted with the material-formality of their natures. Thus creatures, as secondary causes, carry on through time, increasing and multiplying according to the command of God at their creation.
The relation of creation, as St. Thomas calls it, and which characterizes the order of generation in which creatures, as secondary causes, live and work according to their natures, is a strictly one-way street, running from creature to Creator, in e relationship of absolute dependence upon God both for their existence through time and for the power to operate as the kind of creature that God constituted each one on its specific day of creation. When Our Divine Lord said “Without Me you can do nothing”, He referred to the natural as well as to the supernatural order.
Furthermore, it is very important to realize that creation by God is not a process. It is an Act. It did not take place in time but by His creative act in the beginning, God also created time with the first mobile being. This fact must be insisted upon because otherwise, we risk thinking of God as mutable, whereas He is absolutely immutable, unchanging; or else we risk reducing His creative power to the dimensions of human activity which do, indeed, require the changes of time constituting a process. But there can be no change or alteration in God, for He needs no such restrictive limitations to create. Process enters only with the creature, the created product. And so, God is the creator and author of all processes, but there is in Him no shadow of alteration, or of change, or of any kind of process. Even the Angels change as they pass continually from potency to act. But such is not the case with God.  He is all Act.
Processes multiply and take on direction as soon as matter is introduced. And yet, however extensive and deep the changes may be, the underlying nature, essence, or kind created by God in the beginning, is never destroyed. It remains, underlying all changes. The stability of species is an empirical fact. The instability of chemical elements and the fact of substantial change in the sphere of inanimate bodies, is a vast subject and must be discussed in another place. The facts are all there in the books of the Thomistic renaissance of the early 20th century, so much vital knowledge pertaining to the sciences, but neglected and abandoned by apostate theologians.
So, processes multiply and take on direction as soon as matter is introduced, for matter is the principle of potentiality, the principle of change. But the created formalities endure, just as men and animals undergo the changes of growth, development and decline, but human nature and the animals’ natures continue essentially the same as new beings are born and old ones die. It is a fact, for example, that scientists have never yet found a fossil that they were not able to identify as belonging to some family presently in existence. The stability of the created forms is an empirical fact.
And so, we know that God is in all things by His power, keeping all things in existence and enabling them to act according to their different natures. But this immanence of God is natural, of the natural order, and not the same as the supernatural order of Grace. In this latter case, theologians speak of a truly divine immanence, the very life of God in us. This is the definition of sanctifying grace that we learned from our catechisms. And this ineffable gift is, of course, only for God’s rational creatures and only for those rational creatures who love Him above all things and remain in His friendship by avoiding all sin. Only angels and men are capable of loving God freely and cooperating with His action in us by a use of our liberty that is pleasing to Him. This wonderful life of God in the souls of His lovers leads, through the action of the Holy Spirit, to our conformity with Christ and transformation in Him. It is Mary’s task, as Spouse of the Holy Spirit and Mother of Christ, to form Jesus in us as she formed Him first in her immaculate womb.
However, New Agers, all to the contrary, and following in the footsteps of Teilhard de Chardin and his many devotees of all religions (Hindus, for example, find in him much to admire) along with modernists of all stripes, hold a radical naturalism, rejecting all distinctions between nature and grace, between the natural and the supernatural orders. The spectrum of naturalism ranges from the rank materialism of the atheists to the pantheism and pan-entheism of Teilhard de Chardin and Matthew Fox. New Agers tend to fill the vacuum left by rejection of orthodox spirituality with such pseudo-mysticisms as Fox’s “creation-centered spirituality”. They thereby “change the truth of God into a lie, and worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator.” (Rom. l:25)
The two ideas of immanence (subjectivism) and evolutionism (process, constant change) are connected, then, by the idea of a God who is immanent in all things and Himself in process, evolving toward His own self-fulfillment and reality. This was Hegel’s idea of God, transformed by Marx into the dialectic of history. This so-called “divinity” of all things causes the “inter-connectedness” of everything, so that whoever “taps into” this omnipresent “divinity” is thereby automatically “empowered” to be and to do whatever he desires. The techniques used to achieve this “empowerment” are many, and none of them were unknown to the medieval theologians of the occult: mind control, holistic health practices such as yoga and transcendental meditation, “centering prayer”, channeling, visualization, automatic writing, etc. All are essentially forms of invoking demonic intervention.
The Prince of this world, who is Lucifer and Satan, has tremendous power over natural objects and processes, but only, of course, within the limits allowed to him by God. And God allows him such awesome powers in order to test our Faith.  His grace is sufficient for us if we truly love Him above all things.
But Satan “seduceth the whole world” (Apoc. 12:9) And that’s what the New Age is all about – a New World Order in the power of Satan.
Perhaps the most startling and unprecedented aspect of the New Age is feminism. It has always existed in such forms as female deities of ancient myth, in the female priestesses of pagan religions, and in Christian times, in witch-craft. What strikes us today is the extent to which religious women in the Church have succumbed to this diabolical temptation and the complacency with which the bishops accept and even encourage the perversion.
Feminism could never have arisen to its present towering stature if theologians had not abandoned the theology of St. Thomas. There is nothing demeaning to a woman to find her proper place in subordination to men. Her real glory, in fact, is in her obedience to the order created by God in the beginning. This was Mary’s glory, for Our Lord said that she was to be praised because she did the will of His Father, even as He did. A woman today can do nothing greater than to look up to Mary and imitate Her.
The true immanence is that of the divine life of grace in us, the immanence of God’s life that purifies us and keeps us from all sin, especially the sins of pride and impurity.
And the true evolution is that of our growth in these virtues which brings us close to God and will give Him glory for all eternity.

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